Oyat Shukurov (born 1989) is an artist and an architectural practitioner based in London.
In his artistic practice, he addresses poetic qualities of space—those hard to measure and grasp: personal and collective memory, layered anthropogenic landscape, and urban artefacts. Oyat explores his subjective perceptive mechanisms, combining psychogeography and speculative cartography. He creates acrylic paintings and charcoal drawings using recollections and dreams as primary means of inspiration.
Highlights of the Past
2017-2023 Partner at χώρα architecture bureau
2013-2017 Draughtsman at Bureau Alexander Brodsky
2020-2024 Design studio VIA VIA co-leader at MARCH
2015-2018 Interior Architecture Tutor at BHSAD
2011-2013 MArch at Moscow Institute of Architecture
2007-2011 BArch at Moscow Institute of Architecture
Homepage backdrop was kindly co-produced by Anastasia Belinskaya.
Key concepts and terms explanations are cited according to Encyclopædia Britannica, with the exception of key concepts in sections DA1 and DB2, which are cited according to Encyclopædia Iranica.